'Memory Lane' + Comedy + 'Trivia Time' + Music + 'From the Archives' + much more
(Something to look forward to every single day)
Donating to Your Charity
Subscriptions to XLNT (Excellent) WORLD's "The Show of the Day" can provide an easy way of increasing donations to your charity.
We do this in a very simple way.
For every new subscriber (to XLNT WORLD's "The Show of the Day") who names your organisation as the referrer, we will donate up to £30.00 of their subscription to your charity.
Simply ask your staff and volunteers to introduce and encourage families, when appropriate, to subscribe to "The Show of the Day" and name your organisation when they do so.
We will feature your organisation in our marketing and promotion.
We are passionate about collaborating with and supporting groups and organisations that strive to improve the quality of life of the elderly, especially those affected by dementia.
So, please create your free account (on the right) and let's start working together.
All the Best!
Michael Flint
Create Your FREE Account
Please Note:
You must be employed or volunteer at a charity.
You agree that you will NOT share your login password details.